I transcribed this lick because:
1. it's cool,
2. it makes a great exercise,
3. the ending I consider a signature Vinnie lick.
(Clicking on the images will make them slightly -- ever so slightly -- larger.)

Some notes:
He plays it over F#minor, but it would work over anything from the key of A major. Of course you can transpose it to wherever...
It really is around a quarter = 132, so getting it up to tempo may (or may not) be challenging for you.
There's a little bit of rhythmic displacement: the motive that starts with the triplet sixteenths followed by 4 sixteenths begins the first time on the and of the beat then it begins on the downbeat...unity and diversity...
Funny finding this old post. I'm finally learning this whole song (full play through). I used to play parts of it years ago. I find the exact phrase you have tab of above one of the most interesting phrase in the solo. The timing and bouncy feel of the lick. The pivot notes bouncing down in-between parts of the phrase is so hard to get the feel of at first. Once I finally had the lick performed correctly, it's one of my favorite parts.