Friday, March 12, 2010

sci-fi sound sculpture

Sound sculptures are interesting to me. Actually they seem more interesting in the abstract (i.e. talking about them) than actually interacting with most of them, except for the best example, viz. wind chimes. In that spirit here is a completely conceptual (for now) sound sculpture...

I imagine the following: deep in some woods (perhaps even a rain forest) we encounter plants that produce soap bubbles, just like you see little kids (and not so little) blowing all the time. There's only one difference: when these bubbles burst a sound is produced. A sine wave most likely. The frequency is dependent upon how large the bubble is when it bursts (bigger = lower tones). Also, more complicated sounds are produced when these bubbles combine. The sounds could become much like those found on the Casio CZ-101 (which combined sine waves...I believe they called it Phase Distortion synthesis).

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