The collection of music is extremely diverse. There are instrumental tunes like Bonaparte's Retreat, Concord Rag and Wednesday Waltz. There are funny tunes like Bill Morgan and His Gal; very sad songs like Cyclone of Rye Clover; the ubiquitous songs detailing a man killing a prostitute as in Little Sadie and Pretty Polly; and of course religious tunes like Streets of Glory.
And just in case you think that all of these tunes represent old-time family values here's a verse from one of my faves from the album, "Policeman" by the Spare Change Boys:
I got drunk and I fell on the floor this morning
I got drunk and I fell on the floor this morning
I got drunk and I fell on the floor
That's good pouring whiskey and I want some more this morning
All in all the music is highly infectious, full of life (in all its multi-dimensionality) and a good time, and I can't recommend it highly enough.
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