Sunday, February 14, 2010

harmonic major modes

We've already discussed the Harmonic Major mode, but I want to cover its modes just because they're so cool.

The Harmonic Major is basically an Ionian b6. All the other modes will fall into this pattern (i.e. a familiar mode name plus one alteration).

ionian b612345b6712345b67
dorian b5

phrygian b4


lydian b3


mixolydian b2


aeolian b1


locrian bb7


The Locrian bb7 might seem weird. Since we've only added one alteration why is there a double flat??? The reason is that the 7 in the Locrian is already a b7, so if you slap on another flat you get the bb7.

Also, as detailed elsewhere, the b1 isn't so useful practically. If we re-analyze the aeolian b1 we'll see that it's construction is thus:

1 #2 3 #4 #5 6 7

The #4 is a hallmark of the Lydian mode. And we've already encountered the Lydian #5 -- Lydian Augmented -- in the melodic minor modes (it's mode 3). So this can easily be named
Lydian Augmented #2.

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